Impossible Cure Newsletter -- July 2010

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Homeopathic Blockbusters: Some fun viewing for the summer!

Did you know that there is lots of video about homeopathy to view on the internet? Thanks to YouTube, you can spend a lot of time learning more about homeopathy -- and there is some fascinating stuff out there, from the mundane to hilarious.

Here's a small sampler for you to check out. From these links on YouTube, many others will be suggested. Just be forewarned that you will probably come across some anti-homeopathy material as well! Be sure to give those a thumbs-down!

first aid kit

Your Homeopathic First Aid Kit

Watch out! Summer fun is often accompanied by some bumps and bruises. Here are some remedies to consider for your homeopathic first aid kit:

Aconitum napellus: If you get freaked out by an accident, this remedy can help a lot. A person needing Aconite is extremely fearful or agitated. (Aconite is also a great remedy for cold or other illnesses precipitated by a fright, and is especially useful if given at the very onset of such ailments.)

Apis: Zing! Got bit by a bee, spider, or wasp? Think Apis, made from a bee. Apis is great when there is redness, swelling, pain, and heat, and the area is better from cold applications.

Arnica montana: This is the remedy for traumatic injuries -- be they bruises, sprains, or concussions. People who need Arnica often say they are "okay" even if they're not. They may be a bit rattled and out of it -- in a state of shock. Their symptoms are worse from touch and motion. Arnica can also be an excellent remedy after dentist appointments, after surgery, and even for jet-lag!

Bellis perennis: If Arnica doesn't help, consider this remedy. Bellis perennis can be useful for injuries to the torso of the body, especially deeper injuries from things like falls and car accidents. There may be a feeling of stiffness or coldness in the injured area.

Bryonia: Another remedy to consider if Arnica doesn't help. This remedy got me out of a jam when I whacked the top of my foot and was suffering from very severe and painful internal swelling. Think of Bryonia when any movement whatsoever brings on pain.

Calcarea phosphorica: Sore bones? Think of this remedy if you bruise your bone, have an old or slowly-healing fracture, or any injury that causes sore bones. The area might feel cold, numb, or stiff and is better from warmth.

Calendula: The first-aid cream par excellance! -- usually given topically in low or herbal doses. Calendula, made from marigold, will seal up an injury like magic -- so make sure a wound is clean before applying it. It's great for healing the skin and combats infection too. Taking higher doses orally can combat severe infections.

Hypericum: Ouch! Hypericum is the remedy to think of if you've injured an area that is highly sensitive, with lots of nerves -- the fingers, toes, genitals, eyes, etc. Pains are shooting and nervy. There might also be tingling and numbness. Also think of Hypericum for concussions, nerve pain after surgery (especially dental), or insect/animal bites and puncture wounds.

Ledum palustre: Step on a nail? Stung by an insect? Think Ledum when you've been punctured (think Hypericum and Apis too.) Ledum is great when there is swelling and injuries are better from cold. So it's great for sprained ankles and knees or a black eye too!

Phosphorus: Bleeding? When the bleeding or bruising seems out of proportion to the wound (for example, a nose bleed), think Phosphorus.

Ruta graveolens: Ruta recently cured me of a knee problem that had been plaguing me for several months. This is the remedy to think of for injuries to tendons, joints, and muscles. There is stiffness and aching. It is often a useful remedy to think of for use after Arnica.

Symphytum: Broken bone? Arnica first, but then Symphytum, which can help heal the bone quickly. It's good for bone bruises too. Symphytum can also be useful for blunt injuries to the eye -- e.g., if a flying object hits the eye. Of course, have a doctor check it out too!

Have A Wonderful Summer!

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