Impossible Cure Newsletter -- September 2020


Where There's Fire There's Smoke

Greetings from California and the West Coast of the United States, land of fire and smoke. Just when you thought things couldn't get worse, those of us living in this part of the world have been visited by, first, unbelievable hot spells, then extremely rare lightning storms, and then rampant and huge fires accompanied by a blanket of smoky air. I myself was almost evacuated at one point due to the fire that raged on the San Francisco peninsula. Although it wasn't the biggest fire in the state, it did cause the most damage to human life because it was in the most populated area, with about 1000 homes destroyed.

Thankfully, my husband and I were never evacuated, though we did have friends who were evacuated staying with us for a week. (Second time we've had evacuees at our place over the past few years). One thing I can tell you -- COVID receded way into the back of our consciousness through this experience and put life and all our possessions in perspective. (We've lived in our home for nearly 40 years, so you can imagine -- it's chock full of possessions.) We were all packed up and ready to flee, just in case.

At first we thought we might go northward to Oregon if we lost our home. That would have been a bad choice! Now the whole West Coast looks like burnt toast. Although our nearby fires are under control, we've had to stay inside because of the bad air and smoke. We even had one day that was so dark with smoke that it looked like it was night at 11am! Unfortunately, with climate disaster under way, the yearly fires, which have been growing steadily worse each year, are likely to continue and expand. We're seriously contemplating relocating or at least buying some sort of "escape hatch" elsewhere.

I know this doesn't have much to do with homeopathy, but while I have you here, I looked up the remedies recommended for smoke inhalation. In Murphy's Repertory, the appropriate rubric is listed under: Toxicity, Vapors, Smoke inhalation. One of the number one remedies is Carbo Vegetabilis -- not surprising! It's made from burnt plants -- vegetable charcoal. The full listing is as follows (note: italics, boldface, and capitalization all indicate various levels of importance or common use of the remedy for this symptom):

Bryonia, Calcarea Carbonica, Causticum, CARBO VEGETABILIS, Euphrasia, Natrum Muriaticum, Nux Vomica, Oleander, Sepia, SPIGELIA, Sulphur.


Two Excellent (and Free!) Learning Opportunities

1) An amazing summit is happening soon! Act now to be part of an unbelievable opportunity to learn from some of the world's top homeopaths. Click on this link to register for the event, which is free to all: Worldwide summit on homeopathy -- September 28-October 2.

2) An extensive and free online library of homeopathy references! This is made available by Manish Bhatia and the other folks at, the premiere online homeopathic journal (access to the journal is always free too).


An Interesting COVID-related Video

Finally, here is a very interesting video to check out. Warning: it may seem controversial to you, especially if you've bought into the dominant narrative about our world's COVID experience. I have mixed thoughts about it, but I thought I'd share it with you because I find it so intriguing and possibly important. It's a dispassionate review of COVID statistics that questions various things like the notion of a "second wave" and it introduces the interesting phenomenon of the "casedemic."


Fall Is in the Air


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Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy --

Active Consciousness: Awakening the Power Within --

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