It's been a while since I've written a newsletter. Lengthy summer travel, letting myself settle in back home slowly, and downright ennui got the best of me, I suppose. It's also been hard to face...
Big Pharma
The Revolution Is Within
Many of you know that I went to graduate school at Stanford to study computer science and later did research in artificial intelligence. In the last issue of the Stanford Magazine, a feature article...
Why Am I So Confident About Homeopathy? It Works! Here’s Some More Scientific Proof Too
Just this week I got an email from someone who has begun to read Impossible Cure. (Actually, he's listening to the audio book -- something many of you might also be interested in.) He asked me how I...
As More Research Supporting Homeopathy Pours In, Efforts to Eliminate It Double Down
Almost every week I find out about new research supporting the efficacy of homeopathic remedies. It ranges from focused clinical studies, to broader studies that focus on overall patient wellness...
Homeopathy — Ever Controversial
Homeopathy has aroused controversy ever since the time of Hahnemann -- mostly because it posed a threat to the medical status quo. Yes, it has always been mocked as "ridiculous" by the...