
Explore Amy Lansky’s diverse portfolio of media appearances and publications, ranging in subject matter from homeopathy and healing to consciousness, spirituality, and current world developments.

Below is a sampling of Amy Lansky’s appearances in the media — live, in print, online, and more. For now, this list is incomplete and much of it is out of date with stale links, but it will be updated soon. You can also check the media pages of Amy’s book sites — and Each of these sites also includes links to all of her past newsletters.  Many of the newsletter feature articles appear as blog posts on this site. (For more about Amy’s work as a computer scientist, see her vita.)


Radio and Web Radio

A 2022 interview by Angelica Lemke for Intuitive Homeopathy Podcast.

A 2019 interview by Karen Thomas on her Naturally Recovering Autism podcast.

A 2016 interview by Connie Habash entitled Homeopathy and Synchronicity.

Amy Lansky’s web radio show — There’s Hope with Homeopathy! appeared monthly from 2005-2008 on Autism One Radio. It featured discussion of homeopathy in general, the homeopathic treatment of autism, and interviews with homeopaths who have had success in treating autistic patients. Check out the annotated radio show archives, which contain the complete 4-year run of the show. Listening to the radio show archives is a perfect (and free!) way to get a quick general introduction to homeopathy. Most of it will be of interest to people in general — not just autism families.

The Wide World of Health — Interview with Cary Nosler, aired November 21, 2010 on KSTE Talk 650 in Sacramento, California.

Unconventional Wisdom Radio — Interview with Larry Shiller, aired November 15, 2010 (last 10 minutes of show) on Cox Radio’s Newstalk 1400 WSTC 1350 WNLK (Fairfield County, CT).

Homeopathy, Health & Transformation — Interview with Linda Morse, aired August 17, 2009 (MP3), on VoiceAmerica Health & Wellness Channel.

Inner Health Through Homeopathy — Interview with Melissa Burch and Dr. Tim Stryker, aired June 6, 2007.

Inner Health Through Homeopathy — online webinar: “How Homeopathy Works”. April 2008. You can download both the MP3 and PowerPoint Slides.

Hypnobabies Chat — On HealthyLife.Net — Interview with Kerry Tuschhoff, aired May 5, 2006.

Healthy Family Talk Radio — Interview with Kari St. Louis, aired March 20, 2006.

Pathways of Recovery — Autism One Radio — Interview with Michael Lang, aired January 30, 2006.

HealthyLife.Net — Interview with Deborah Baker-Racine, aired October 2005.

In Touch — New Zealand Radio Show — Interview with David Allan, April 2005, as part of World Homeopathy Awareness Week.

Reality Sandwich — Interview with Julie Matthews on KPOO San Francisco, aired July 1, 2004.

Written Articles and Interviews

Interview on ThinkWellness (edited strangely by them, but still..). Homeopathy, My Clarion Call. (May 2023)

Less Medicine Is Best Medicine — in Alternative Medicine (May 2012).

Much to the Dismay of the ‘Skeptics’, Homeopathy Is Boosted in Many Countries Around the World — in Mothering Blog Forum (All Things Mothering) (May 17, 2012).

Understanding Remedy Reactions in Homeopathy — in Mothering Blog Forum (All Things Mothering) (April 13, 2012).

Interview of Amy Lansky about her new book, Active Consciousness — in Magazine (April 2, 2012).

There Is Plenty of Scientific Evidence for Homeopathy — in Mothering Blog Forum (All Things Mothering) (March 12, 2012).

The Homeopathic Approach to Epidemics — in Mothering Blog Forum (February 2, 2012).

When You Have the Right Vibe, It’s Not a Coincidence: Synchronicities, Energy Healing, and Other Strangeness in the Field — in Reality Sandwich, online journal, January 2012.

20 Homeopathic Remedies That Every Home Should Not Be Without — in Mothering Blog Forum (All Things Mothering) (January 12, 2012). This blog post is the first in a series by Amy on homeopathy for Mothering.

Homeopathy: Its Time Is Coming— in The California Homeopath: Journal of the California Homeopathic Society (November 29, 2011). This article is a slight expansion of the article in Hpathy (see below), which includes excerpts from Active Consciousness that pertain to homeopathy.

Homeopathy: Its Time Is Coming — in Homeopathy 4 Everyone, November 2011.

The Magic Ocean of Energy and Resonance — in Noetic Now, online journal of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, November 2011.

Mercola Newsletter, December 22, 2009: Could This Forbidden Medicine Eliminate the Need for Drugs? … or Why Skeptics Love to Hate Homeopathy. This popular article has received a quarter-million hits.

Homeopathic Medicine — Autism Cured: One Boy’s Remarkable Story,Vitality Magazine (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), July 2007.

If you are a member of the National Center for Homeopathy, there are several articles written by Amy Lansky on the NCH site, including a few in Homeopathy Today Online and a few NCH chats and webinars.

Attack of the Quackbusters — a look at the online shenanigans of the nefarious forces working against all forms of alternative medicine. This paper also appears on the NCH site.

Homeopathy and Autism: A Unique Opportunity for Transformation — in Homeopathy 4 Everyone, November 2008.

Written interview with This interview was published August 27, 2003.

Written interview with This interview was published February 15, 2004.

Amy Lansky’s original article, upon which Active Consciousness is based, first published in 1996.
Consciousness As An Active Force.

Live Appearances

April 27, 2012 — When You Have the Right Vibe, It’s Not a Coincidence: Synchronicity, Energy Healing, and the Key To Transforming Our World — Lecture for the Foundation for Mind-Being Research, Palo Alto California (

National Vaccine Information Center, 4th International Public Conference on Vaccination. October 2-4, 2009, Reston, Virginia. Lecture entitled: Homeopathy: The Impossible Cure. For more details, go to

Complementary and Natural Healthcare Expo, November 10-12, 2006, Century City, CA. Lecture entitled: Homeopathy: An Introduction.

Autism One Conference, May 2005, Chicago, IL. Two lectures: Homeopathic Cure of Autism and Health Freedom: The Right to Choose and Access the Medicine of Your Choice

National Center for Homeopathy Annual Conference, April 2005. Lecture entitled: Homeopathic Treatment of Autism: Cure is Possible

Online Chats, Forums, and Webinars

March 13, 2012 — Resonance — The Secret Behind Homeopathy and the Key to Transforming Our World — Online webinar for Inner Health (

February 21, 2012 — The Magic Ocean of Resonance — Online webinar for National Center for Homeopathy ( NCH members can view this webinar on the NCH site.

June 14, 2011 — The Homeopathic Treatment of Autism, online webinar for the National Center for Homeopathy. NCH members can view this webinar on the NCH site.

Natural Medicine — Ask the Expert Forum. 

Leading Voices in Homeopathy  Online “Ask the Expert” Forum.

Mothering Magazine  Mommy Chats — archived chat, May 31, 2006.

Biochat with Rick Neubrander — appearances: September 2005, December 2005, February 2006, May 2006.

NCH Online Chat, October 2005 and August 2007.

Magazine Articles

Alternative Medicine Magazine — May/June 2012
“Less Medicine is Best Medicine”: Article by Amy Lansky about the history of homeopathy and scientific evidence for its efficacy and mode of action. 

Tathaastu Magazine — March/April 2012
“The Power of Similar Vibrations”: Article by Amy Lansky about the power of similar vibrations in everything from homeopathy to paranormal phenomena to the power of human consciousness.

Newsletter of The Society of Homeopaths (UK) — 2004-2008.
Quarterly feature column written by Amy Lansky, entitled “Postcard from America”.

Mothering Magazine — January/February 2006 (
“The Hope of Homeopathy” and “To Your Health!”: Two articles written by Amy Lansky about her family’s experience with homeopathy and about homeopathy in general.

X Press Magazine — May/June 2005 (Publication of San Francisco State University)
“Powerful Healing”: Article by Allison Casassa about homeopathy and Max’s cure.

Natural Health — April 2005
“The Homeopathy Guide”: Article by Tom Weede that mentions Max’s cure and Amy’s book.

Many Hands — New England’s Magazine for Holistic Health, Spring 2005
“A New — Yet Old — Approach to What Ails You”: Article by Amy Lansky about the promise of homeopathy in treating disease. (Available for re-publication; suitable for family publications).

Health Freedom News — Spring 2005
“Claiming Our Right to Health Freedom”: Article by Amy Lansky about the health freedom movement and the potential of homeopathic care. (Available for re-publication).

Autism Asperger’s Digest Magazine — March/April 2004
“Can Homeopathy Cure Autism?”: Excerpts from Impossible Cure

Psychology Today — April 2004
“Natural Health: The Strange Case of Homeopathy”: Article by Michael Castleman that features Amy’s family’s experiences, but a mixed attitude toward homeopathy.

Treating Autism: Parent Stories of Hope and Success — 2003
“Max’s Story”: Excerpt from Impossible Cure in a book about autism success stories published by the Autism Research Institute.