Most of us have heard of the biblical story about the Tower of Babel. In fact, one of today’s language learning products, Babbel, is named for it. In Genesis 11, which takes place after the time of Noah’s ark, we read the following: “And the whole earth was of one language and of one speech……

Homeopathy, and Beyond…
Dive into the writing and ideas of Amy Lansky, where homeopathy, the mysteries of consciousness, and insights into today’s world intertwine.
Amy Lansky Is Regarded Internationally As an Expert Writer and Speaker on Homeopathy For General Audiences.
Amy graduated from the University of Rochester in 1977 with degrees in mathematics and computer science and received her doctorate in computer science from Stanford University in 1983. After conducting research work in artificial intelligence at SRI International and NASA Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley, she left the field in 1998 to pursue her interest in homeopathic medicine. This unusual move was prompted by the miraculous cure of her son’s autism with homeopathy. Since that time, Lansky has expanded her work to include explorations into consciousness, synchronicity, manifestation, other modes of alternative healing, and most recently, providing commentary and insight into the ongoing dramatic changes in today’s world.
Amy Lansky has been featured at several conferences, her articles have appeared in leading magazines and online forums, and she hosted a radio show on homeopathic treatment of autism on Autism One Radio from 2006–2009. Lansky also served on the board of the National Center for Homeopathy from 2004–2011. In recent years, her writings on consciousness, synchronicity, and spirituality have appeared in a number of forums, and she was featured in the movie “Time Is Art”.

“The universe may not be operating like a cold, meaningless machine after all. Instead, the reality we experience each day is flooded with fields of meaning, each of which has a particular vibration to it. Like attracts like, and so similar fields of vibration tend to be attracted to one another and co-occur in time and space. This leads to the phenomenon of synchronicity. Because homeopathy is the science of healing based on similarity of vibration, it literally harnesses the power of synchronicity to cure.”
– Amy Lansky
Amy Lansky’s Books
Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of Amy’s writing. She is currently working on her third book, due to appear in 2025, which combines her interest in consciousness and alternative modes of healing.

Impossible Cure
The Promise of Homeopathy
Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy (R.L.Ranch Press, 2003) is one of the leading introductory books on homeopathy worldwide, with translations into several foreign languages (Spanish, German, Greek, Arabic, Korean, and Czech). Since it was published in 2003, it has become a top patient-education book and is also utilized as a first-year text by many homeopathy schools.
Comprehensive in scope, Impossible Cure provides an in-depth and exciting account of the history, philosophy, science, and experience of homeopathic medicine. At its core is the amazing story of how Amy Lansky’s son was cured of autism with homeopathy — something that makes it extremely popular among autism families. Impossible Cure also includes dozens of other illustrative testimonials of homeopathic cures for a variety of physical, mental, and emotional conditions. It serves as an invaluable guide to anyone interested in learning more about this intriguing form of health care.

Active Consciousness
Awakening the Power Within
Can you create the future of your dreams? Are paranormal abilities like seeing into the future or affecting objects with your mind really possible? And how do energetic systems of healing — like homeopathy and hands-on healing — actually work?
Active Consciousness : Awakening the Power Within is one of the most exciting, far-ranging, and accessible books available on the topic of consciousness, spirituality, meditation, and the evolution of human awareness. It has been named “one of the top five spiritual books that will change your perspective on reality.” Comprehensive, yet at the same time accessible and personal, this book invites you to not only learn about these mysterious subjects, but to develop the power of active consciousness for yourself. By including a series of exercises and experiments in meditation and self-inquiry, Active Consciousness provides an experience that will transform your life and help you evolve to a new level of awareness.

Amy’s Blog
Explore Amy Lansky’s thought-provoking blog, that draws on all her fields of study, from homeopathy to consciousness to computer science and more.
Check out the Cure Stories Archive
Want to read more cure stories? Check out the Cure Stories Archive! Read other people’s stories and please consider contributing your own. It can really make a difference in encouraging others to try homeopathy.
I, Not Robot
Way back in 1996 — almost 30 years ago! — I wrote a paper called Consciousness As An Active Force. It became the seed from which my book Active Consciousness (2011) grew. The paper talked about the common desire of AI researchers of that time to create a machine or at least a program that…
Finding America
When my husband Steve and I embarked on our first voyage across America in September 2021, we thought we were merely looking for a new place to spend our summers, given that we could no longer go to our usual haunts in Canada. But within just a day after leaving California (as I described in…
What Happened to Silicon Valley?
It’s been about a year since I posted my last article, “Looking for America.” Steve and I did finally find our new homeland. We moved to South Carolina in September 2022, arriving for good at our new home exactly one year, to the day, after we originally left on our first voyage of discovery in…