It's been a while since I've written, mostly because I've been rather flummoxed over the past few months and didn't know what to say. Doesn't it seem like we're all living in some kind of strange...
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The Power of Uncertainty
If there's one thing that COVID-times have brought us, it's uncertainty. We wake up each morning wondering what unexpected changes are coming our way. Will there be work, will there be school, will...
Manifestation Works! The RuLaToon
What can I say? Manifestation works, and not always how you expect. In fact, it works best if you don't try to expect how an intention will be fulfilled. This summer, my husband Steve and I...
The Missing Ingredient of Most Manifestation Techniques
Over the summer, I continued my reading about Hawaiian shamanistic beliefs, and in particular, the work of Max Freedom Long. As discussed in previous articles (October 2012, May 2013, November 2013,...