
Child with ASD symptoms — Can Reiki help? Was it due to a head injury? Help in India?


Hello Amy. I have a 7 year old daughter with some ASD symptoms, though she is highly cognitive. I wanted to know whether Reiki can help. Also, how can I confirm if it is due to any head injury?  Can you suggest any homeopaths in India, or if I can get online help from USA or any other country? Waiting in anticipation!

Anshu, Delhi, India


Hi Anshu.

Yes, I think Reiki can definitely be helpful.  I talk about it in my book, Impossible Cure (which I recommend you read before embarking on homeopathic treatment). I believe that hands-on healing methods can work synergistically with homeopathy, especially if they are more “passive” like Reiki, where the practitioner is not directing the energy, but merely letting the energy heal and direct itself through its own innate wisdom.

As far as the head injury, of course, there are allopathic means to determine if there was any gross injury involved.  More subtle and perhaps accurate, however, is to consult with a cranial osteopath.  I found this link online, and it’s in Delhi.

For osteopaths in other countries, check out this page which has a lot of useful information.

As far as finding a good homeopath in India — there are many!  I wish I had a better referral list in India though. I do not generally do referrals on Ask Amy, but below are are names of two people that have done research on autism treatment in India.  In addition, you might check the referral list on my book web site.

Prafal Bravalia in Mumbai
A new paper of his on autism treatment research has recently appeared.

Dr. M. A. Rajalakshmi
Anjana Homeopathic Care
#14, West Park Road, 9th Cross, Malleswaram
Bangalore-560003, Karnataka, India
Mobile number: +91-9449163350
Email: or
Two papers written by Dr. Rajalakshmi:
Role of Homoeopathy in the Management of Autism: Study of Effects of Homoeopathic Treatment on the Autism Triad
New Dimensions in the Treatment of Autism with Homeopathy

I hope this is helpful!

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1 Comment

  1. Chethan

    Rajan Sankaran is supposed to be one of the world’s finest homeopaths. He practices in Mumbai. I believe he has many clinics, but the one I know of is called “The Other Song.” I am a patient of his at this clinic. I am a new patient, but I have already seen a lot of improvement since beginning treatment. (Although I am currently experiencing one of those really peskym and slightly terrifying if you didn’t know it could happen, aggravation of existing symptoms, which apparently means the remedy is working just fine, but is at too strong a potency. Anyways, this is the link to his clinic: Hope this helps you. Good Luck.

    P.S. It usually takes about 6 months to see the man Rajan Sankaran himself, but they have a lot of other good doctors too.


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