The Secret to Healing Lies Within You

Part-VHappy New Year!

As we all know, this is a time for personal resolutions that set a tone for the coming year ahead. Why not make it one of your resolutions to search for a path to true healing, not through outside resources, but from healing knowledge that lies deep within you?

One of the important concepts in homeopathic philosophy is that symptoms are not there to be vanquished, but rather, to be understood and used as clues. Indeed, if we merely suppress symptoms and sweep them under the rug (as most allopathic medicines do), we may also lose access to vital “bread crumbs” that could lead us back to health.

For example, a homeopath utilizes a patient’s unique symptoms as indicators of the correct remedy to prescribe. This remedy can then stimulate and heal the vital force — the innate energy that guides the physical body, including its immune system. This activation of the vital force (using the correct remedy) can then guide us back to health.

But homeopaths also understand that symptoms are even more mysterious and significant than being mere clues to the correct remedy choice. Like dream symbols, symptoms are often representative of our deepest inner state. They can tell us much about what our vital force and even deeper energy bodies are trying to tell us. Sometimes the message is: “Here are some clues. Take the homeopathic remedy that match them.” But sometimes the message is: “Leave your job,” or “Tell your parents how you really feel,” or “Your anger is killing you. Let it go.”

As many of you know, in addition to Impossible Cure I am also the author of a book called Active Consciousness (which, by the way, was recently named one of “Five Spiritual Books that Will Change Your Perspective of Reality”!). For this reason, I try to keep up with the latest in spirituality and consciousness as well as homeopathy. Recently, I listened to a podcast about tuning into the wisdom of the inner self for purposes of healing. The speaker suggested two questions to ask yourself when in meditation:

What does your body need in order to heal?

If your body has a message for you, what is it trying to teach you?

Since then, I have meditated on these two questions every time I begin to feel ill — whether it be a cold, headache, or an ache or pain. In fact, I wrote these two questions on a piece of paper that is now taped on the wall by my computer; it’s a handy reminder. If you engage in this meditative practice and follow through on the insight you receive, I am sure that you will find that you can bring greater health into your life. Indeed, by finding your answers for healing within, your need for external healing aids, whether homeopathic or allopathic, will likely decrease dramatically.

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