Q&A with Amy

Want to Ask Amy a question?

Your question can be about anything, but Amy’s expertise tends to be in the following areas:

  • homeopathy
  • autism treatment (especially homeopathic treatment)
  • health, especially alternative health approaches
  • consciousness
  • spirituality
  • meditation
  • synchronicity
  • parenting
  • relationships
  • computers and society

Please know that Amy will try to answer your question in a way that can be useful to you and to others who read this blog. She will not make public comments about specific individuals or give referrals to specific practitioners on this blog. She will also not treat disease via this blog (Amy is not a practicing homeopath, but rather provides education to the general public.) However, she will provide advice and pointers to where you might find help. For referrals to homeopathic practitioners, please visit the Impossible Cure referrals page.

Note: By sending your question, you agree that your question and Amy’s response can be posted and freely viewed by others on the AskAmy blog. All questions and comments to this blog are moderated. Some questions and posts may not be displayed or answered. Occasionally, Amy will reply privately to questions rather than creating a post on the blog.

Questions Categories

Treatment of Ascites

Question: Can malignancy-caused ascites be treated with homeopathy? In my case it is due to peritoneal carcinoma. There is a YouTube video that shows it being cured...

Do I Vaccinate My Teens?

Question: Hello Amy. I am struggling to get clear information for my 18 and 21 year old children. I elected to not vaccinate at the time of their birth, opting to...

Homeopathy and Psoriasis

Question: Have you had any success with the healing of psoriasis?  My daughter who is 31 has had it since she was 13.  It was 80% coverage, but with a lot of natural...

Winter Itching

Question: I have a question. I am male, age 73yrs. I am getting itching all over my body in winters. Now it is severe; it was moderate some years back. I have started...

Useful Free Online Libraries

Question: Hi Amy. I was wondering if you have heard of a web site called openlibrary.org. Joining is free and you can look up many books and read them on line. I looked...

Dog with abscess and vomiting

Question: My dog is suffering from anal gland abscess. I gave him 3 doses of Arsenicum Album 200c. A new symptom appeared -- he is vomiting for the past 4 days. I gave...

The Role of Synchronicity in Relationships

Question: I read your story of coming to your husband through synchronicity. I am curious how that might align with a woman having a gut feeling that she is meant to be...

Ask Amy!

Have a burning question or seeking guidance? Feel free to ‘Ask Amy’.