Recently I’ve become fascinated by a notion I’d like to explore much more in 2013 — our critical role in tending the soul of the Earth. The idea was brought to my attention at the 2012 Science and Nonduality (SAND) conference in San Rafael in October. In several of his talks, Sufi teacher Llewellyn Vaughn-Lee…
Personal Reflections Posts
Instead of Counting Off the Days, Make Every Day Count
Do you ever feel like you’re approaching each day as just another list of things to get done? As you go through your calendar, do you ever feel like you’re counting off the days like a prisoner in a cell, making a mark on the wall for each day that goes by? Tick. Tick. Tick.…
The Dangers of GMO Foods: A Likely Cause of Many of Today’s Health Problems
In addition to his homeopathic teachings, the founder of homeopathy, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) taught about the importance of food and environment in maintaining good health. If a person is eating poorly, living in damp quarters, etc., these maintaining causes, as he called them, severely limit the good that even excellent homeopathic treatment can achieve.…
Our Watery Minds
(This post appeared in my September 2012 Active Consciousness Newsletter). When water or the ocean appears in one’s dream, it is usually considered symbolic of the emotions or the unconscious mind. But if you think about it, our “every day” mind and emotions have a lot in common with a body of water too. My…
Relax Into Nature
This post appeared in my Active Consciousness Newsletter — August 2012 Every summer my husband Steve and I spend some time up in Canada — in a land of lakes, granite rock, and forests called Muskoka — about two hours north of Toronto, Ontario. And that’s where I’m sitting right now as I write this…
Costa Rica — Pura Vida!
In Australia, they always say — “No worries, mate.” In Costa Rica, people greet each other with “Pura Vida” — pure life. I believe that when a saying pervades a nation’s speech pattern in that way, it says something very intrinsic about their consciousness. Although the Australians are in many ways similar to Americans, at…
An ant works. A human Lives. Even a dog Lives.
Be a dog for a day.
Even though I haven’t had a “job” for many years, I still act like I do. I’m extremely disciplined and never procrastinate. I can work on a project alone for years without any need for external verification or assurance. I just do it—step by step by step. Once I set a goal and “know” where…