Despite Everything, Homeopathy Continues Its March to Triumph!

Amy Lansky
Published: 06/28/2016

newsAs has been true since the time of Hahnemann in the early 1800s, the skeptics, naysayers, and insecure purveyors of “orthodox” medicine and its drugs continue to do everything they can to keep homeopathy down. But the truth of homeopathic cures and the patients who continue to flock to homeopathy keep the flame alive!

Here are some recent victories that have made me smile.

1. Switzerland officially acknowledges homeopathy as a valid and important part of its health care system.

Perhaps you remember that, a few years ago, I reported on a Swiss study that found homeopathic treatment to be safe, effective, and cost-effective too! Perhaps the famed Swiss stance of neutrality has broadened its application beyond politics into the medical sphere. On March 29, the interior ministry of Switzerland announced plans to give five complementary therapies, including homeopathy, the same status as conventional medicine when it comes to health insurance. An important reason for this decision was that two-thirds of Swiss backed the inclusion of these therapies on the constitutional list of paid health services. The people have spoken! They know what works!

2. India continues to be a model country that gives homeopathy its due.

In celebration of World Homeopathy Awareness Week (coinciding with Hahnemann’s birthday on April 10), the Indian government hosted an international convention that celebrated the successes of homeopaths and Homeopathy on April 9 and 10. You can watch the ceremonies online.

As an American who regularly witnesses the scorn (or more commonly, the complete obliviousness) given to homeopathy in the USA, it filled my heart with amazement and gratitude to watch Indian government officials acknowledge and laud the esteemed homeopaths and homeopathic institutions of its country. The government of India has fully integrated homeopathic medicine into its public health care system, and is providing a model for this integration for nations around the world. It is high time for the USA and other countries to rise to the maturity and wisdom of India. May events like the one held in India be the future of homeopathy worldwide!

3. Americans who DO use homeopathy are quite happy with it!

Despite the marginalized status of homeopathy in the US, an important survey on the use of homeopathy and homeopathic medicines in the USA was recently published in the highly respected American Journal of Public Health. The researchers used the 2012 National Health Interview Survey to compare homeopathy users with supplement users and those using other forms of complementary and integrative medicine. Of particular note was that homeopathy users who saw a professional homeopath were significantly more likely to feel that homeopathy was “very important in maintaining health and well-being” and that it helped their health condition “a great deal”.

4. A law is being proposed in New Hampshire to support homeopathic treatment for addiction.

Maybe the efficacy of homeopathic treatment and patient satisfaction with homeopathy will slowly make a dent in the USA. Homeopaths in New Hampshire recently testified in support of an amendment to the New Hampshire Opioid Treatment bill that would allow for addiction treatment programs to utilize CHC-certified homeopaths in their program of services for clients and to assist the public in knowing about homeopathy as an adjunct treatment.

5. When it comes to cancer treatment, some homeopathic wisdom may be getting through in the US, because homeopathic protocols from India for cancer treatment were reviewed by American researchers from the US department of health and human services, Office of Global Affairs, National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Cancer Institute (NCI) and other US academic institutions as part of the US-India Workshop on Traditional Medicine (March 3-4) in New Delhi. Readers of this newsletter may also recall that Indian protocols for homeopathic cancer treatment were also found to be successful in lab studies at the prestigious Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas.

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  1. Bernardo A Merizalde, MD

    Thank you his excellent post, Amy! It is refreshing, and encouraging, to see your contributions reach a wider public. The way you address homeopathy and what is has to offer gives our cause a much needed boost.

  2. Anxious

    Hello Amy,

    I have a question to you. Please would you take time to answer me:
    Last year in March I had been suffering from mild anxiety regarding my health issues.
    Someone advised me to take:
    Lehning L72 for anxiety (homeopathic)
    I took it three times a day (20 drops). The first day I felt a very good improvement on mood. Then on the second or third day I had an severe aggravation which scared me so much that I stopped taking that medicine. I was given antidotes such as Nux Vomica which only helped a little bit. I was then given other homeopathic medicines. The anxiety got worse and I started taking treatment by proper Homeopathic doctor. But I also started taking allopathic antidepressant medicine (Venlafaxine 75 mg). After 4 months (last year August) things got quiet better and in the 5th month (last year September) I got married and my anxiety vanished almost completely because of distraction. So after the sixth month I stopped taking the homeopathic medicine but continued the antidepressant. This year in March/April my anxiety is starting to come back (because of minor stress and I always am scared that the anxiety of alst year may come back). I started tapering off the antidepressant (Reducing 7.5 mg = 10% every three weeks) I started at 75 mg Anti-Depressant and now I am at 45 mg. But the anxiety got worse again especially 3 – 4 days ago.
    Now, two days ago I started taking again Lehning L72 (because I thought that If that medicine triggered the aggravation, then it should be able to heal me too!). I took L72 two days ago around 4 PM (but only 10 drops this time). Suddenly I felt much better the whole day and night. Also the next day (i.e. yesterday) was quite good. Around 4 – 5 PM I started having (light!) negative thoughs again and I again took a dose and after an hour the improvement came back again. Overall I do feel better.
    Now my question is: Should I keep the dose (ie once a day 10 drops) or should I increase it to twice a day? Im afraid that increasing the frequency could trigger a very bad aggravation again. And I am also afraid what will happen when I will do my next reducing step on my antidpressant fom 45 mg to 37 mg.

    Thanks A lot!

  3. Dr Jayadeep

    thanks for being inspiring us……..


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