Many of us are growing to realize the dangers inherent in the increasing polarities in our world. Polarity is all about two camps fighting one another on two sides of an issue, each side "othering"...
How Much Is Too Much?
How much is too much? That seems to be a question that keeps coming up these days, in one form or another. How much surveillance is too much surveillance? How much money is too much money? How...
A New Approach to the Vaccine Impasse (or Similar Attacks on Health Freedom)
It's been a while since I've written a newsletter. Lengthy summer travel, letting myself settle in back home slowly, and downright ennui got the best of me, I suppose. It's also been hard to face...
Autism Awareness Continues to Grow, But Are We Willing to Do Anything About It?
Once again it is April -- Autism Awareness month. While the world is certainly more aware of autism, are we really any more willing to face what's going on and do something about it? In recent weeks...
Can Awareness Trump Fear and Greed?
Part 1: The Autism Epidemic
April is Autism Awareness month, so what better time than now to talk about the subject of awareness in general and the ever increasing incidence of autism in particular? I've been planning to write...
Measles — Some Facts
When contemplating what to write about this month, I couldn't help being led back, over and over again, to the measles. The discussion about the measles vaccine is all over the media, and just when...
Some cool summer links to check out!
Sit Back, Relax, and Check out Some Cool Summer Links Summertime! (at least here in the Northern Hemisphere...) Time to get away from the same old routine, sit outside, and just muse a bit. Here are...
April is Autism Awareness Month: Let’s Spread Awareness that Homeopathy Can Heal Autism!
I look forward to the day when the news about autism is truly getting better, not worse. So far, that is certainly not the case. In March, just in time for Autism Awareness Month in April, the CDC...