April is Autism Awareness month, so what better time than now to talk about the subject of awareness in general and the ever increasing incidence of autism in particular?
I’ve been planning to write this article for several years. Ten years ago, I began collecting data about the incidence of autism and projecting its growth, which I estimated to be approximately 10% a year. I’m sad to report that the CDC statistics have borne this rate out, though it may actually be even worse. I distinctly remember when the rate of autism was 1 in 150 children, and it wasn’t that long ago — at about the time my book Impossible Cure came out in 2003. Now the media commonly cites a 1 in 68 statistic, though a more recent, less publicized 2015 CDC report cites a new rate of 1 in 45 children. We have broken the threshold of 2% of children with autism.
Where is this all taking us? At what point will the media stop saying that the increase in autism is nothing to be alarmed about — that it is illusory and simply due to an increased awareness of the condition and improved diagnosis? At what point will the media stop implying that autism is a genetic disease that has nothing to do with environmental causes? (Although genetics may make some people more susceptible to these causes, as environmental factors increase in intensity, more and more people are clearly falling prey to them.) Consider this. What will our society be like when 1 in 10 children (10%) are autistic? 1 in 5 children? Half of all children? Don’t forget: autistic children grow up and become autistic adults who will be dependent on society for help. We are only now beginning to experience the consequences of an increased adult autistic population, as the “statistics” of the 1990s enter their 20s.
These are all interesting questions, and my guess is, we will all be finding out the answers in our lifetimes.
But this article isn’t just about autism. The issues, questions, and potential solutions to the autism epidemic also pertain to other alarming trends humanity is facing. Climate change is the most obvious example. The growing corruption of our food supply and other types of environmental damage wreaked by GMOs, pesticides, and monoculture practices is another. We humans are certainly a highly adaptable species that is able to survive in the face of environmental challenges that are obvious to us. But we seem to be quite bad at noticing and responding to environmental problems that develop more slowly or that don’t affect us directly. Like the proverbial frog not noticing that the pot is coming to a slow boil — or even if it does notice, it is too fearful, numbed out, or self-absorbed to do anything about it — we humans tend to ignore evidence until it’s too late to escape severe consequences.
This article is the first in a series of two or three articles that will talk about this human trait and the kinds of things that might influence the rate at which we take appropriate action. One question I’d like to explore is whether cultivating a particular form of awareness could be a remedy. Another important factor may be whether we can find attractive alternatives that provide a solution.
Whatever the problem may be, however, perhaps our biggest obstacles to taking early action are the all-too-human forces of fear and greed. Indeed, one thing we can be sure of: we would take appropriate action if it could also be motivated by fear and greed! Unfortunately, fear and greed often lead to inappropriate action instead. Wouldn’t it be better if an enhanced form of awareness and access to alternatives could be used to motivate us?
So let’s begin by taking a deeper look at the autism epidemic.
When will action happen?
Right now, the only people shouting and screaming about autism are the families that have autistic children. I believe that the latest point at which meaningful action will begin to take place in the USA is when more than 50% of families are in this boat. Assuming that a family will become active when a grandparent has an autistic grandchild, and assuming a birth rate of 2 children per couple, this point will be reached when the autism rate is 12.5% (1 in 8 children). Now comes the even scarier graph.
Over the past 10 years or so, the rate of increase in autism has been fairly linear. The yellow line projects this rate of increase, which would put us at an autism rate of 10% (1 in 10 children) in about 40 years and 12.5% (1 in 8 children) in about 55 years.
A more alarming trend line is the green curve, which more accurately fits all the existing CDC data. This would put us at a rate of 10% (1 in 10 children) in 2030 (less than 15 years from now), and 12.5% (1 in 8 children) just 2 or 3 years after that. If the exponential curve is correct, then the next 20 years will see the autism issue slowly becoming personal to most Americans.
Which trajectory are we actually on? The yellow line or green curve? That will become more obvious 5 years from now, when the two rates diverge. By 2020, the rate will either clearly begin to match the yellow line or the green curve, and by 2025, it will be even more obvious.
What are the causes of the autism epidemic?
So how can we begin taking action earlier than 20-50 years from now? I think that depends on a variety of factors, all of which pertain to the underlying causes of autism. Looking back at the first graph, we can see that the rate of autism really started going up in the late 1980s and 1990s. Our answer to the autism puzzle will come from looking at environmental factors that began to accelerate at that time (clearly, it’s not changes to our genetics!).
Personally, I believe that autism is the end result of several factors that, together, create a perfect storm that weakens and twists the immune systems of our children, creating a tidal wave of autoimmunity and systemic poisoning (especially of the brain and gut). The more and more these environmental factors increase, the greater the number of children who cannot defend themselves and thus fall prey to autism and a host of other disabilities and weaknesses that are increasing at an alarming rate. Three of the most obvious factors that meet our criteria are the following:
1) The ever increasing vaccine schedule, which overstimulates the immune system and causes toxic metals such as mercury and aluminum to be injected directly into the blood stream. Consider this. During my own childhood in the late 1950s, children were given 7 doses of vaccine antigens. In 1983, the total number of doses given to children (ages 1–18) was 11. Today children are subjected to 69 doses of vaccine antigens.
Interestingly, this alarming increase in the vaccine schedule began in 1986 (also the time at which the autism rate really began taking off!), when the vaccine manufacturers and doctors were indemnified from any legal consequences due to vaccine injuries.
Since that time, the drug companies have been developing more and more vaccines to sell us. There are hundreds more in the development pipeline, with the media and government well-funded by the pharmaceutical industry to promote them, usually by instilling panic about disease and urging public mockery of those who don’t comply. They have created the perfect storm of fear and greed!
2) The worsening of our food supply, and in particular, the growing prevalence of GMO and other foods bathed in glyphosate — Monsanto’s “Roundup.” Please note: the genetic modification of foods like corn, which are increasingly a part of every bite we take, was done primarily to boost sales of glyphosate. Greed at work!
3) The increasing amount of electromagnetic radiation (EMFs) all around us, due to cell phones, WIFI, cordless phones, smart meters, and other “smart” home devices, some of which are now wearable on our bodies. There is even talk of having such devices implanted inside our bodies.
Whether or not these three particular things are key factors in creating the autism epidemic could easily be discovered if we examined the rate of autism in populations that do not partake in vaccines, eat only organic foods, and are not highly exposed to EMFs. There are even such populations here in the USA. For example, many have cited the low incidence of autism among the Amish. Unfortunately, no formal study has ever been done to make this kind of comparison — and probably for good reason. The financial powers behind all of these environmental factors — vaccines, “conventional” food, and high tech — do not want us to think too deeply about these things. But the time is coming. When your child or grandchild has autism, you will want to know!
So what can be done?
I think it is highly unlikely that we’re going to see a slowdown in EMF-generating technology, though it could possibly be made safer through technological fixes or more circumspection about keeping such devices near or inside our bodies. There is a growing awareness of the dangers of cellphones and WIFI in European countries (who are often way ahead of us in the awareness game). They are even beginning to take action, at least with respect to children’s exposure.
Awareness is also growing of the dangers of glyphosate and GMOs. Once again, Europe is ahead of us. And with food, at least, we do have an attractive alternative — organic food and a return to regenerative farming practices. The big food companies are fighting GMO labeling with all their might, but they only have greed on their side, not fear — so labeling in the USA is probably just around the corner. (Note: Canada and the US are two of the few countries that don’t already do so.) Once parents can better control their children’s food intake, it will be interesting to see if it has any slowing effect on the autism rate. And it will certainly be interesting to see if the improved food supply and reduction in child exposure to EMFs in Europe results in a lowering of the autism rate there.
The hardest nut to crack, and in my view the biggest factor, is vaccines. The media and politicians are bought and sold on this one (unfortunately, even the most liberal ones), so awareness has only been able to creep in through the back door of the internet and the activism of autism families. But there must be desperation afoot in the pharmaceutical industry, because they are vigorously creating and pushing forced vaccination mandates all over the country. (Just look at the legislators who are proposing these mandates; they will invariably be the ones who are most highly funded and advised by Big Pharma.) The vaccine manufacturers may simply see the writing on the wall, and so are trying to make as much money on the vaccine cash cow while they can. Unfortunately, they may be hastening their own demise by accelerating the increase in autism, as more and more vaccines are added to the mandated schedule. This too will be interesting to see.
So let me conclude here. I hope that I have at least given you food for thought. In my next installment, I will consider more deeply why it is so hard to wake people up into awareness and especially into action about the autism epidemic and other alarming trends.
[…] on autism awareness, we’re running this piece (with the author’s permission) originally published by Amy Lansky, homeopath and author of Impossible Cure, about her son’s recovery from autism with […]
Dr Woodrow Monte has two views on Autism.
#1 – read chapter 12 of his book titled: While Science Sleeps. PDF here:
and/or see this YouTube video TITLED; Justice for Joy (part 7):
(note that there are other sections and you can see entire videos at –
http://www.whilesciencesleeps.com/media )
#2 – After learning from the above site about Methanol in food, drink, and smoke… See this email string of his responses to questions about Vaccines and Autism.
Emails due to Robert De Niro’ Autism/Vaccine rant on NBC Today Show where he wants more research done on this (due to his Autistic 18 yr old son, where his wife said it happened days after being vaccinated.
NEWEST to OLDEST, On Thursday, 4/13/2016 , Woodrow Monte wrote:
Most Vaccines are all made up exclusively of formaldehyde modified protein.
When one injects this into a child its population of Macrophages explode within a few days. Most of these macrophages are activated and looking for a fight. If the child has methanol modification of brain tissue caused during pregnancy and there are issues with this particular child’s Blood Brain Barrier than we have instant autism.
I honestly that is all that is happening with these unfortunate children.
Thanks for your insight.
On Sat, 7/4/15, Woodrow Monte wrote:
Subject: Re: (3)Re: (2)Re: Vaccine Qestion RE: Re-watch Dr Monte Methanol/MS video, Tomatoes, Black Currents, and using Alcohol to counter effects for MS Alzheimer’s, Autism, etc
Date: Saturday, July 4, 2015, 3:44 PM
Hi Silas
Nothing different with age about the formaldehyde binding to the albumin… what happens then may be affected by the age but we know literally nothing about how formaldehyde kills people.
I think the vaccine people do have good reason to believe that vaccinations seem to cause, in some cases, exacerbation of the symptoms in an autistic child. You notice they always say that the problems start a day or two after the vaccination not immediately.
Just as in methanol poisoning enough time must pass to allow microsomes to be called up from the bone marrow by the macrophages that first attack the vaccine’s formaldehyde modified antigen. Takes this time for these recruits to morph into macrophages and become activated. This explodes the population of such cells in the bloodstream, where they are all looking for formaldehyde modified protein which has now spread all over the body. This increases the chances of them finding the formaldehyde modified protein in the cerebellum developed by methanol during pregnancy which has been up to then afforded some protection behind the blood brain barrier.
Just my thoughts.
Have a great 4th Silas!
On Sat, 7/4/15, Woodrow Monte wrote:
Subject: Re: (2)Re: Vaccine Qestion RE: Re-watch Dr Monte Methanol/MS video, Tomatoes, Black Currents, and using Alcohol to counter effects for MS Alzheimer’s, Autism, etc
Date: Saturday, July 4, 2015, 11:19 AM
It makes no difference Silas. The small amount of formaldehyde you inject just binds to blood proteins and is quickly consumed by macrophages. See attached.
FYI this is a reader added note : about the file Dr Monte attached, it was this file: http://www.whilesciencesleeps.com/pdf/236.pdf
Köppel C, Baudisch H, Schneider V, Ibe K. Suicidal ingestion of formalin with fatal complications. Intensive Care Med 1990;16(3):212-4.
On Sat, 7/4/15, Woodrow Monte wrote:
Subject: Re: Vaccine Qestion RE: Re-watch Dr Monte Methanol/MS video, Tomatoes, Black Currents, and using Alcohol to counter effects for MS Alzheimer’s, Autism, etc
Date: Saturday, July 4, 2015, 10:32 AM
Hi Silas
You are correct the formaldehyde in vaccines is “ONLY a formaldehyde modified payload and not actually formaldehyde itself when in the vaccine”.
The best way to get formaldehyde into cells is to consume methanol not inject formaldehyde…..
On Sat, Jul 4, 2015 at 8:06 AM, CEST MOI MY wrote:
Dr Monte,
How do they treat the payload with formaldehyde (process)? Then, how does that completely separate out the formaldehyde that is left over, (is it a bath treatment of the payload to make it a formaldehyde modified payload)? As, I am imagining that there is no formaldehyde, or very little as part of the vaccine.
On Sat, Jul 4, 2015 at 7:26 AM, CEST MOI MY wrote:
Dr Monte,
I have a question about the below email about your “MS end of story
Microsomes (edit above) – Monoblasts are normally found in bone marrow and do not appear in the normal peripheral blood. They mature into monocytes which, in turn, develop into macrophages.
For Methanol Science – see Dr Monte’s “MS end of story
Dr Monte,
MUST READ – When added to your emails emails below (about Autism and Vaccines) – this information about how the immune system in the fetus and newborn baby develops, and how soon it might see formaldehyde modified tissue behind the blood brain barrier, makes total sense.
The immune system of the baby does not fully develop for itself for around 6 months after birth. The baby only gets antibodies via mother as a fetus thru the placenta, and then later after birth, gets antibodies as well via the mothers milk. This would explain why the baby”s immune system will not have seen the formaldehyde modified proteins (caused by Methanol ingested while a fetus at the ADH-I in the baby’s brain metabolizing into formaldehyde (hydrate) that then methylates proteins and amino acids in the brain).
OM, when you combine the immune system development science, with your methanol causing DOC and Autism (chapter 12 of book) finding… – then, this means that there could be a second pathway for Autism to develop other than just the formaldehyde (Hydrate) methylation of DNA in the fetus brain.
One, where we might also see the methanol insult being not only happening as a fetus, but also potentially happening during in the first months after birth as well (via methanol in the mother’s milk, or via veggie/fruit baby food pectin produced methanol, depending).
See this link below, that explains how the baby’s immune system develops – and add this information to what you wrote in emails over the past year (again below as well):
Newborn immune system
Quote (excerpt from above link)):
A baby’s immune system is not fully developed until he/she is about six months-old. In the meantime, pregnant mothers pass immunoglobulin antibodies from their bloodstream, through the placenta, and to the fetus. These antibodies are an essential part of the fetus’s immune system. They identify and bind to harmful substances, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi that enter the body. This triggers other immune cells to destroy the foreign substance.
Immunoglobulin G (IgG) is the only antibody that crosses the placenta to the fetus during pregnancy. IgG antibodies are the smallest, but most abundant antibodies, making up 75-80% of all the antibodies in the body. They are present in all body fluids and they are considered to be the most important antibodies for fighting against bacterial and viral infections. These antibodies help protect the fetus from developing an infection inside the womb.
Immediately after birth, the newborn has high levels of the mother’s antibodies in the bloodstream. Babies who are breastfed continue to receive antibodies via breast milk. Breast milk contains all five types of antibodies, including immunoglobulin A (IgA), immunoglobulin D (IgD), immunoglobulin E (IgE), IgG, and immunoglobulin M (IgM). This is called passive immunity because the mother is “passing” her antibodies to her child. This helps prevent the baby from developing diseases and infections.
During the next several months, the antibodies passed from the mother to the infant steadily decrease. When healthy babies are about two to three months old, the immune system will start producing its own antibodies. During this time, the baby will experience the body’s natural low point of antibodies in the bloodstream. This is because the maternal antibodies have decreased, and young children, who are making antibodies for the first time, produce them at a much slower rate than adults.
Once healthy babies reach six months of age, their antibodies are produced at a normal rate”.
End Quote
(see the link for the full version)…
— On Thu, 4/14/16, Woodrow Monte wrote:
From: Woodrow Monte
Subject: Re: Question/Thoughts Re: Robert De Niro’s Autism/Anti-vaccine RANT on NBC “Today Show” where he spoke at length about his deep concerns as a parent (son is autistic), wife blames vaccine as problem, she said, happened within a couple of days of the vaccination.
Date: Thursday, April 14, 2016, 3:20 PM
Most Vaccines are all made up exclusively of formaldehyde modified protein.
When one injects this into a child its population of Macrophages explode within a few days. Most of these macrophages are activated and looking for a fight. If the child has methanol modification of brain tissue caused during pregnancy and there are issues with this particular child’s Blood Brain Barrier than we have instant autism.
I honestly that is all that is happening with these unfortunate children.
Thanks for your insight.
On Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 4:53 AM, CEST MOI MY wrote:
Dr Monte,
New comment/question (brainstorm) related to vaccine emails of last July 4th…
Due to Robert De Niro, Autism (with Vaccines as the focus) is in the back in the news! The other day Robert De Niro was on TODAY SHOW and there was a long 2-3 minute rant about his son, now 18, with Autism.
Said that his wife said that his SON “CHANGED” shortly after getting a vaccination. Basically, his appeal was that this should have another look, as his question was “WHY” do so many mothers report the Autism showing up within days of getting the vaccination? All the US media picked the story up. See sample of coverage below (Google for more).
Sample – Robert De Niro on anti-vaccine film controversy: ‘Let’s find out the truth’ Robert De Niro on anti-vaccine film controversy: ‘Let’s find out the truth’
Sample – Robert De Niro Suggests That His Wife Thinks Son’s Autism Is Connected to Vaccines as He Defends Vaxxed
(summary of text that followed – Do you have any thoughts? Related to previous emails that discussed this topic, where Dr Monte associated this type of Autism with Methano & Vaccine both.
On Sat, 7/4/15, Woodrow Monte wrote:
Subject: Re: (3)Re: (2)Re: Vaccine Qestion RE: Re-watch Dr Monte Methanol/MS video, Tomatoes, Black Currents, and using Alcohol to counter effects for MS Alzheimer’s, Autism, etc
Date: Saturday, July 4, 2015, 3:44 PM
Hi Silas
Nothing different with age about the formaldehyde binding to the albumin… what happens then may be affected by the age but we know literally nothing about how formaldehyde kills people.
I think the vaccine people do have good reason to believe that vaccinations seem to cause, in some cases, exacerbation of the symptoms in an autistic child. You notice they always say that the problems start a day or two after the vaccination not immediately.
Just as in methanol poisoning enough time must pass to allow microsomes to be called up from the bone marrow by the macrophages that first attack the vaccine’s formaldehyde modified antigen. Takes this time for these recruits to morph into macrophages and become activated. This explodes the population of such cells in the bloodstream, where they are all looking for formaldehyde modified protein which has now spread all over the body. This increases the chances of them finding the formaldehyde modified protein in the cerebellum developed by methanol during pregnancy which has been up to then afforded some protection behind the blood brain barrier.
Just my thoughts.
Have a great 4th Silas!
On Sat, Jul 4, 2015 at 12:15 PM, CEST MOI MY wrote:
Dr Monte (3rd followup, just to clarify),
What about an infant, very small body, young developing organs, etc – would the amount of formaldehyde affect an infant differently than a larger child or adult (thinking of the methanol used by the Egyptians in that example you gave of methanol poisoning where they used it on skin when giving the new born(s) vaccinations)? Are babies potentially more or less vulnerable in the same way to plain formaldehyde (or is it just methanol, because methanol can go thru infant blood brain barrier (VS even with infants, IF infant blood barrier is fully or not at all fully developed at that age, where we question if the status of the development of the blood brain barrier due to infancy, is a factor to consider? Where we ask if the infant blood brain barrier prevents formaldehyde from getting thru)?
If age is not a factor (blood barrier development wise) then we are back at the plain old SIMPLE methanol story (able to get everywhere, and do damage at 11 areas where ADH-1 exists. So, any METHANOL in jars of baby food (carrots, apple sauce, and other pectin in those jars that becomes Methanol) other sources, etc… AND/ OR Methanol consumption by the mother during pregnancy IS THE REAL PROBLEM – …where THAT needs to be looked at closely by the ANTI-VACCINE folks vs looking at the vaccine as causing the Autism etc.
Without looking at each infant autism case that the ANTI-VACCINE camp is passionately thinking is caused by the vaccine, and where they do not FIRST examine IF the mother took any Methanol during pregnancy, …then, the Anti-Vaccine group is missing an important cause of the autism in the first place. Where by not looking at Methanol fully FIRST, they their whole science, and even their hypotheses, is flawed from the start – as they are lacking an accurate specimen health understanding HISTORY at step one in their deduction process. Where by not designing their FIRST look by including any Methanol factor, then there is no valid controls in place either as how do you even say that something is a control if you do not look at Methanol with your control TOO? So, NO GOOD SCIENTIFIC METHOD is being followed at any step of their exam to the problem of their children having Autism, to even produce usable results AT ALL. They are only guessing because they see an autistic child that had a vaccination… so, they are on an old world witch hunt (not following any thing at all that resembles a use of any degree of a Socratic Method – so, their science or witch hunt, is what it is… mostly emotion. They need to fully understand everything about Methanol, but do not yet know or understand methanol and what it does to cause Autism yet.
2nd verse the same as the first.. this witch hunt looking for DOC is also true of many other diseases, when Methanol is not considered at any level of the hypothesis or the studies.
So THEY ALL, need to toss the tons and tons of papers/published studies in the trash as they are ALL WORTHLESS if they do FIRST not take all factors (the elephant in the room called METHANOL) under consideration when they designed the studies in the first place. Junk Science – wow, not too many professors when they understand methanol, are bound to be happy when they wake up to the reality and gravity of that, that their paradigms (held onto beliefs) are basically only fiction, and are not real science!!!
Hmmm, Only factor we might be missing is if the babies blood brain barrier is not developed when they are vaccinated, would that be a problem with formaldehyde or not? Or, is it methanol causing the damage all along (happening in the womb, or after, even from baby food jars, etc)?
On Sat, 7/4/15, Woodrow Monte wrote:
Subject: Re: (2)Re: Vaccine Qestion RE: Re-watch Dr Monte Methanol/MS video, Tomatoes, Black Currents, and using Alcohol to counter effects for MS Alzheimer’s, Autism, etc
Date: Saturday, July 4, 2015, 11:19 AM
It makes no difference Silas. The small amount of formaldehyde you inject just binds to blood proteins and is quickly consumed by macrophages. See attached.
FYI this is a reader added note : about the file Dr Monte attached, it was this file: http://www.whilesciencesleeps.com/pdf/236.pdf
Köppel C, Baudisch H, Schneider V, Ibe K. Suicidal ingestion of formalin with fatal complications. Intensive Care Med 1990;16(3):212-4.
On Sat, Jul 4, 2015 at 8:06 AM, CEST MOI MY wrote:
Dr Monte,
How do they treat the payload with formaldehyde (process)? Then, how do that completely separate out the formaldehyde that is left over, (is it a bath treatment of the payload to
make it a formaldehyde modified payload)? How do that end up with ONLY what they want to inject, that is what remains – a 100% the formaldehyde modified payload?
Where, the vaccine solution 100% vaccine (formaldehyde modified payload) that is injected?
Is it a complete separation, with ZERO formaldehyde left over to be shipped and then injected?
And where they keep it fresh when shipped and stored, using ONLY cold storage, etc. VS, using formaldehyde itself to preserve ?
On Sat, 7/4/15, Woodrow Monte wrote:
Subject: Re: Vaccine Qestion RE: Re-watch Dr Monte Methanol/MS video, Tomatoes, Black Currents, and using Alcohol to counter effects for MS Alzheimer’s, Autism, etc
Date: Saturday, July 4, 2015, 10:32 AM
Hi Silas
You are correct the formaldehyde in vaccines is “ONLY a formaldehyde modified payload and not actually formaldehyde itself when in the vaccine”
The best way to get formaldehyde into cells is to consume methanol not inject formaldehyde…..
On Sat, Jul 4, 2015 at 7:26 AM, CEST MOI MY wrote:
Dr Monte,
I have a question about the below email about your MS end of story video, and the small part where you talk about vaccines?
Review the [[[ bracketed ]]] below…
What do you think? Is the formaldehyde you mention that is used in vaccine production, then as a formaldehyde modified vaccine payload – then is it able to travel all over the body, or is it just local and disappears very quickly before it can travel all over the body? So, the anti-body production is LOCAL too? Could that be any health problem?
And, Is there anything of formaldehyde in a vaccine to be concerned with, or is it ONLY a formaldehyde modified payload and not actually formaldehyde itself when in the vaccine?
My understanding, is that the formaldehyde modified vaccine payload, is not as “formaldehyde dangerous” as formaldehyde itself, UNLESS the vaccine industry is USING some amount of actual formaldehyde in the vaccine… that certainly could be a danger if present in the vaccine
itself (where they might use formaldehyde to preserve the vaccinet during delivery or storage time frames, etc… where then that formaldehyde in the vaccine solution is injected into the infant, child, adult, etc?
As you know, Denny and a growing list of many others are very interested in this topic (states all over the US are mandating vaccines now via tighter legislation to get rid of exemptions in the requiring law, with California in the news today):
Do you have a constructive 2 cents on this topic?
—Everyone should see this video, and we watch – if already watched, and do it again… ——
RE: Please Re-watch (or watch for the first time) the most important Dr Monte Methanol video, Tomatoes, Black Currents, and using Alcohol to counter effects for MS Alzheimer’s, Autism, etc AND he talks about VACCINES that bring up an important question below…
For all.. this is a good email to cut and paste into an email to others…
As the science in this video, the entire video, MUST be fully understood to understand Methanol (Alzheimer’s and MS)
After watching, to fully understand, watch as many times as it takes to get this info, as it is basic to his other video at
http://www.whilesciencesleeps.com/media/ AND his Alzheimer’s video on the home page too.
titled: MS End of Story (Parts 1-9)
From: http://www.whilesciencesleeps.com/media/
The above is a multiple-section video (play list)… Personally, I love these below parts with highlights of interest (BUT, the whole of all the parts needs to be fully understood)…
Part 6 -“formaldehyde used to make vaccines” = Q: How much risk is there that the formaldehyde used in a vaccine, can turn off some DNA by chance or unlucky at the draw where a repair enzyme is near by making change to DNA for Autism or Cancer permanent.
BRACKETS QUESTION – [[[ Note that Dr Monte thinks that vaccines are ok in this video. A KEY QUESTION that the whole vacine debate needs to address is this: Q: Can the formaldehyde in that vaccine make it thru the blood brain barrier at all, or like other formaldehyde is it only local to introduction point, and quickly does it’s thing and gets consumed by the immune system at that location, and really does not travel all around the body]? One has to
ask since formaldehyde from methanol can be in baby food (jars of fruit and veggie, where pectin can become methanol in the jar), where baby food, and other sources, like diet foods, where the methanol might even get into the mother’s OWN milk from her breast and be passed to the baby? We know that Autism damage can happen in the womb as any methanol ingestion can end up in the brain if the fetus and become formaldehyde THERE… So, is the vaccine a PROBLEM, or is the hidden BIGGER problem the Methanol in the diet, smoking anything including marijuana, etc (or even Methanol floating around the AIR we breath, as car exhaust, wood smoke from wood stoves, other sources, etc HAVE methanol as potential problem that can fill the air that a mother breaths in, and that methanol then travels to the fetus, or might even make it’s way into a mother’s breast milk??? ]]]
Part 9 – “Tomatoes and Black Currents” and “why drinking too much ethanol drinking alcohol conditions body for alcoholism” part 9 mistake, is that vitamin D is associated with Rickets, not vitamin A (he does not make this mistake in the book) AND, if you have the disk then below are the timing points of interest found ONLY on the DISK VERSION that is a single video, where we combined all the parts of of the above video:
RE: Vaccine (formaldehyde as delivery tool) go to the 47 minute point where it basically starts to
get into it, then that part ends at around the 52 minutes point, WHERE in that section of the video is where he ALSO talks about the vaccine folks use formaldehyde to deliver the formaldehyde modified virus so that the immune system consumes and then the result is anti-bodies (watch at least 3 times to understand what he is saying).
Re: Triple Blind Study AND then followed by his speech about Tomatoes and Black Currents
Triple Blind study results- go to the 1:16 minute point where it basically starts to get into it, then that part ends at around the 1:20:30 minutes point…
Tomatoes and Black Currents – go to the 1:20 minute point where it basically starts to get into it, then that part ends at around the 1:25 minutes point Re: Alcohol to counter Methanol, and then he gets into Alcoholism and what it is… very good go to the 1:25 minute point where it basically starts to get into it, then that part ends at around the 1:29+ minutes point – 1:26:20 he states that when you drink too much alcohol your body develops an enzyme system (might be called a
450 system that basically bulks up to handle more alcohol like body building builds more muscle to handle more strength needed during physical conditioning, or why the body builds a callus on the hands to toughen the skin) IN THE BODY, this beefed up enzymes system is created in order to handle the increased alcohol consumption to get rid of it quicker (metabolize it quicker) AND then, because the body can metabolize ANY two carbon ethanol QUICKER, then you have less of it quicker in your body, meaning LESS PROTECTION TIME to protect against Methanol having access to the ADH-1 to become formaldehyde. He makes a mistake on the vitamins that he does not in his book, it is vitamin D in excess not A that is associated with skin falling off (too much vitamin D) or rickets (too little vitamin D). He makes a simple mistake there as he is going off topic then).
Interesting note – here is talented homeless guy (that drugs destroyed)
Woodrow C. Monte PhD
Professor Emeritus of Food Science and Nutrition
Woodrow C. Monte PhD
Professor Emeritus of Food Science and Nutrition
Woodrow C. Monte PhD
Professor Emeritus of Food Science and Nutrition
[…] by a perfect-storm of causes. I talk about this extensively, and the rate of increase of autism, in a recent article. Factors include over-vaccination, toxins in the vaccines (e.g., mercury and aluminum) and in our […]