Costa Rica — Pura Vida!

In Australia, they always say — “No worries, mate.” In Costa Rica, people greet each other with “Pura Vida” — pure life. I believe that when a saying pervades a nation’s speech pattern in that way, it says something very intrinsic about their consciousness. Although the Australians are in many ways similar to Americans, at…

An eggy treat! Matza Brei

While it’s still Passover (which is not officially over until Saturday the 14th), I thought I’d share a simple recipe for a yummy treat that you can try all year, but is especially good during “matza week” — MATZA BREI. It’s basically fried matza and eggs. Ingredients: 4 slabs of matza (plain is best, as…

Check out my latest online appearance!

I may not be a superwoman, but it appears I have super consciousness!  Well, anyway, the folks at seem to love my book…  Check out this amazing review of Active Consciousness and interview of me, which appeared on April 2, 2012.  Interesting that they chose to use that old photo of me, Izaak, and…

An ant works. A human Lives. Even a dog Lives.
Be a dog for a day.

Even though I haven’t had a “job” for many years, I still act like I do. I’m extremely disciplined and never procrastinate. I can work on a project alone for years without any need for external verification or assurance. I just do it—step by step by step. Once I set a goal and “know” where…

Welcome to!

Welcome to my new creative outlet! Many of you visiting this blog may be fans of one or both of my two books and their accompanying newsletters — Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy (2003) Active Consciousness: Awakening the Power Within (2011) Obviously, I write a lot about homeopathy and consciousness! But I felt the…