It seems like everyone these days is thinking about liberty. Here in the US, people were feeling so much freer after various COVID restrictions were removed in June and July. Now the clamps are...
Homeopathic News and Views About COVID
Lots of interesting videos and information to share about the COVID situation, from both a homeopathic and non-standard medical point of view. - Prominent Indian homeopath Rajan Sankaran discusses...
Something Is Definitely Not As It Seems
It's been a while since I've written, mostly because I've been rather flummoxed over the past few months and didn't know what to say. Doesn't it seem like we're all living in some kind of strange...
Unraveling the Vaccine Debate: Finding the Fulcrum Beneath Polarity
Many of us are growing to realize the dangers inherent in the increasing polarities in our world. Polarity is all about two camps fighting one another on two sides of an issue, each side "othering"...
Homeopathic Success in Treating Cancer, Vaccine Injuries Climbing, and More Signs of a Momentous Year of Change Ahead
As we enter a new year, I sense that 2021 will be a year of change. Many are hoping that the COVID vaccine will enable our world to get back to the old normal. But I believe it will be a year of...
When Will This All End?
We are all asking ourselves that question right about now! In the first couple of months of our "COVID Adventure," it seemed a bit exciting and even interesting. Of course, there was suffering too,...
My Family’s COVID-19 Experience
Today I am happy to report that my son Max, now 29 years old, has survived COVID-19 . Thankfully, his experience of the disease was no worse than a standard flu. I thought all of you might be...
Get Current
My teacher Gary Sherman often tells his students to "get current." He means that, periodically, we all need to take stock of our lives and readjust to what is. That might mean looking through your...
More Hopeful Resources to Explore
One of the most exciting pieces of news to come my way lately is the amazing successes the Indian state of Kerala is having with its egalitarian healthcare system, which includes the use of both...
Helpful and Hopeful Resources to Explore
(This is from my May 2020 Impossible Cure Newsletter). At this point, most of us are probably used to the "new reality" but are still coping with ups and downs. Who to trust? What to believe? How...